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> The Final Tunisia Gallery. Maybe.

There is little doubt that this is a lovely place. And I am trying to be as easygoing as possible. But the seemingly endless delays and problems surrounding Libya are really trying my patience, so I'm quitting the south and heading north towards Tunis at the beginning of next week. According to Colonel Gadaffi, Shakespeare was an Arab, born in what is now Libya. His name was Sheik Z'bir. So now we know. This week was mostly weddingy (they last five days here), for which there is a special gallery here. I rode the direct piste from Bazma to El Hamma, which involves lots of hair-raising oued (very deep dry streambeds, filled with flour-like dust) crossings. The views and silence were phenomenal.

Uploaded 3rd July 2004 (is it July already??)

Do I miss the M25? Not a bit.

Sun? Check. Camels? Check.

Towards J'Bili. Night.

Bedouin gear.

Mustafa - we went to the desert and took tea at night.

Yassine's first bike lesson - what a natural!

Goat head for dinner? Yay!

Wonder where he got the T-Shirt?

El Hamma, to the north-west of Douz.

Unfortunately I arrived in rush-hour.

Part of a house.

Me, spoiling another fine vista.

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